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The Metropolitan Police will be contacting UK mobile numbers (24-25 November 2022) believed to have been targeted by criminals; including approximately 1,900 people in Northern Ireland.
Criminals try to steal personal information by making it look like they’re contacting you from a trusted organisation, such as a bank or building society.
Look out for the social media awareness campaign around the dangers of being contacted 'Out of the Blue' and report any suspicious texts to
Operation Elaborate is the UK’s largest ever proactive fraud operation. The Met has led an international investigation targeting a website that enabled criminals to disguise their phone number and commit fraud, a practice known as spoofing.
Criminals try to steal personal information by making it look like they’re contacting you from a trusted organisation, such as a bank or building society.
The Met has taken down a website that was used to make 10 million spoof calls between June 2021 and July 2022. We have worked with international partners to track down the owner of the website and locate and arrest those suspected of using it to commit fraud.
We appreciate the devastating impact that being a victim of fraud can have and that often people feel embarrassed or ashamed that they have been tricked. Please don’t.
We have included links below to organisations that can provide support and guidance to you. If you have been a victim of fraud, please report it so that we can tackle this criminality.
What to do if this has happened to you
If you think you have been a victim of fraud, or someone has tried to steal your personal information:
- Report it to Action Fraud online - when filling out the report please be sure to include your telephone number (the one you received the spoofed call on) and cut and paste the word Elaborate into the free text field of your report. This will help us identify your report.
- Change your passwords
- Watch our video and follow the links below to find more advice and information on how to keep yourself safe from fraud and scams
Advice and information on staying safe
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Read about fraud and cybercrime
Our top 10 tips on staying safe online