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Basic Cyber Check is a new free service from NCSC build specifically for small and medium organisations like yours in the UK. This new tool provides critical IT security checks to help businesses, school, and charities understand and act on their top vulnerabilities.
Why should I use Basic Cyber Check?
It is important to understand what the risk is to you or your organisation. Cyber criminals can:
- Run software that scans the internet for IP addresses (the unique address used to connect you to the internet).
- The software finds IP addresses with common vulnerabilities that could allow them to access your networks & devices.
- If your IP address is on the list, you make an attractive target.
How Basic Cyber Check can help:
- Cyber security specialists run similar software to scan the internet and share a list of vulnerable IP addresses with us.
- We check if your work IP address is on their list.
- We provide guidance to help fix any vulnerability found.
Check if your organisation has one of the top vulnerabilities to ransomware. It only takes a few seconds. Test your organisation’s IP address today!